Free Daily Grounding

6 minute daily grounding meditation

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This simple but deep meditation is designed to prolong and enhance the effects of any healing work and support relaxation and positive presence.

All levels welcome.

Private Healing Session

60 Minute - phone or video call by appointment

This is an in-depth energy healing based on your personal needs and desires. This includes chakra rejuvenation.

Common themes for these sessions include: business and financial growth; moving our destructive energies, beliefs, habits, or relationships; improving current relationships and partnerships; and clearing the path for your best next steps.

A savable audio file of the healing is available upon request during scheduling.

Space Clearing Workbook

28 page pdf workbook - $12

This workbook will give you 6 sections of tools and worksheets to ground, clear and raise the vibration on any physical space. Get rid of yucky vibes and start to feel good in your physical spaces.

Two supplemental videos instruct you on saging technique and guide you through a meditation on how to ground and improve the energy in a space.

These easy-to-use tools can be used for a lifetime to create a maintain a space that feels good to be in.

Any method we don't understand yet, we call magic.

How does it work?

The fabric of our reality is energy, at least this is the best explanation we have for it currently. (There's plenty of resources if you want to get more in-depth or into the science of this. Dr. Joe Dispenza gives a great and approachable explanation.) If you know how to efficiently and safely work with the energy of things from a neutral perspective, it is possible to have an effect on the material, emotional, and mental worlds. This skill is available to everyone through awareness, training, and a willingness to evolve on a personal level.

How do you know it's time for a healing session?

This will vary person to person. There are always benefits to be had from an energy healing session. Sometimes unexpected gems pop up when we are not looking for them.

A few example of a great time to book are:

  • when you need help moving forward, moving on, and general growth
  • when you've run out of tools or insights to improve your situation or lacking clarity
  • when you feel stuck or lost
  • when you feel inexplicably off or something strange in your space
  • when you'd like to manifest something bigger for yourself

How do you prepare for your session?

It is recommended to be in a quiet place where you feel comfortable and have privacy. Have a pen and paper handy if you'd like to take notes during the session. Booking a session for a general healing is great as well as coming to the session with a specific topic or purpose.

What to expect in your session?

The hour session is like a conversation over phone or video chat.

How often do you need to get a healing?

It depends entirely on the individual and the circumstances at the time. You may feel like you need healings more frequently or more sporadically depending on what you are going through or how you are feeling at that time. Maybe you need energetic help launching a large successful project and more frequent healings are beneficial for that preparation period. Or perhaps you are slowly processing things from the past on your own and need more time before you're ready for another session.

Talk to you soon!

- Caroline

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